

 An in-town OASIS making God's radical love, liberty and life available to all;

A loving, liberating, life-giving community of faith...for all people.

-Oasis City-



 An in-town OASIS making God's radical love, liberty and life available to all;

A loving, liberating, life-giving community of faith...for all people.

-Oasis City-


:: an area in a desert where there is water and trees can grow

:: something serving as a refuge, relief or pleasant change from what is usual, difficult, troubling or a hectic place or situation

:: a refreshing gathering of christ-followers committed to demonstrating the love of God, celebrating the family of God & participating in the mission of God



Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink...
— Jesus



Reiko E. Ward is a creative and thought-provoking communicator who has enjoyed a passion for the ministry of the local church since she was a youngster growing up in the small, Pentecostal congregation pastored by her grandmother. Whether in her hometown of Atlanta, GA or in places where educational and career opportunities have taken her, Reiko has served in various ministry capacities, including youth and young adult minister, worship leader, outreach coordinator, associate pastor and, most recently, church planter. After attending Oral Roberts University and later graduating with honors from Bethel Seminary San Diego, her career path lead to the criminal justice field where she connected communities of faith to outreach opportunities with juvenile justice programs. She is passionate about the intersection of spiritual community and social justice. Currently engaged in local community advocacy initiatives, Reiko is a bi-vocational church planter who is always on the lookout for glimpses of the holy in the mixture of the sacred and the secular.

                             Reiko E. Ward, Pastor

        Reiko E. Ward, Pastor


Oasis City is a loving, vibrant community of faith established with you in mind. And I am beyond excited to WELCOME YOU to your Oasis in the City. It's a safe place for worship and service where you can truly come as you are and bring all that you are; experience belonging and connection in a vibrant community of faith; where you can give church a try (or another try!!). There's a place here for everyone -- all families, all expressions, all people; young or seasoned, starting out or starting over, dressed up or dressed down. I invite you: Take a step of faith & begin your new journey with Oasis City Church. ...I’m looking forward to seeing you soon!

- Reiko